Wednesday, January 2, 2019

You Can Pick Your Friends, But You Can't Pick Your Family

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He called himself an evangelical Christian (like I do), but what he said was stupid, insensitive, and in opposition to the ethical and moral teachings of Scripture. I really wanted to disown him. Then I realized he wouldn't care, so I decided to take the radical step of changing my identity. I decided I would no longer identify as an 'evangelical' Christian. I would be a 'follower of Christ,' or a 'disciple of Jesus,' or something else. 

Why? Because being identified with him made it harder for me to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples of Jesus Christ. I had to overcome the bias of anyone against this goofball Christian just to start a conversation. It's hard enough sharing the gospel with all the very public failings of those who call themselves Christians. People disown religion every day, "I'm Christian, not religious. . . you don't have to be religious to get to heaven. . . religion doesn't save." So, why couldn't I just disown this guy and the label? 

Maybe I couldn't because you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. I have an idea that no follower of Jesus Christ is perfect yet in their beliefs, which means they aren't perfect yet in what they say, and they are also not perfect yet in what they do. And, sometimes, they act like total goofballs and you really want to disown them. Now, I'm sure no one has ever wanted to disown me, right. Surely I've been more Biblical with my beliefs all my life, more careful with every word, and more scripturally ethical and moral with my behavior. Yeah, that's me.

Look, I'm not advocating the approval of faulty beliefs or the excusing of immoral or unethical speech and behavior. There are times when God says we must part company with a so-called brother or sister who advocates false teaching and heretical behavior. Yes, it would be great if every Christian behaved like Christ every moment of every day, but they don't. We don't. You don't. I don't. We have to do ministry in a world that makes clear that we are all sinners in need of a Savior, even once we have been saved. If you go about disowning all the goofy, stupid Christians out there, it won't be long before you, too, will be disowned.

Thank God for the grace, mercy, and truth of God. They are not a license for stupidity, but they are a remedy for the stupid. Stop worrying about what goofy Christians do. Go and make disciples of all people. 

(Picture is public domain and acquired from:

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