Tuesday, April 28, 2020

This Will Change Your Day

That was a good day - the day we honored the service of one of our matriarchs, Mrs. Marylene. It was a good day because it was filled with thankfulness and with thanksgiving. Choosing to honor Marylene created a wave of thanks. We weren't just thankful for her, but for so many others who have demonstrated their love for us and for God. We were thankful for the fellowship, the hugs (remember hugs?), the food, the fellowship, and the Lord.

Giving thanks transforms us. It turns our attention from what is bad to what is good. It changes our speach from complaining to praising. As we surrender our hearts, minds, and mouths to the Lord, the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with the warmth and joy of thankfulness.

There is so much to gripe about today. There is so much to fear. There are so many to blame. Don't! Do this instead. Give thanks.

Give thanks for your neigbor, your friend, that stranger. Yes, they got too close, no they don't have on a mask, and they aren't washing their hands like they should. Give thanks that they're trying.

Give thanks for Facebook Live, ZOOM, Youtube, and Vimeo. No, it's not in person, but it's allowed us to stay connected. Imagine what life would be like without it right now.

Give thanks for the government. Why? God said to. And, give thanks that you're not the president or the governor. Then we'd all be mad at you.

Give thanks for all those who are doing so much - pastors, elders, deacons, SS teachers, children's workers, church musicians, police, first responders, doctors, nurses, social workers, Walmart checkers, restaurant owners, and the list goes on, and on, and on.

"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offerin prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now." (Philippians 1:3-4)

Give thanks. It will change your day.

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